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Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste

Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste is an international research center specializing in the study of materials using the light generated by the Elettra synchrotron and the FERMI free-electron laser. Elettra, operational since 1993, is a circular storage ring that generates light 10 billion times brighter than the Sun. FERMI, active since 2012, is a unique linear free-electron laser in the world that produces light pulses billions of billions of times brighter than the Sun.

The center has over 30 experimental stations and 12 support laboratories, utilizing various techniques for analytical investigation and material treatment. These techniques allow the study of matter at the atomic level, exploring its properties and structure on infinitesimal time scales, not measurable with conventional sources. Both researchers and companies interested in private research can access the facility.

The high-brilliance light produced by Elettra over a wide range of energies and the ultrashort, extremely bright pulses from FERMI allow the unveiling of the structural details and behavior of atoms and molecules. This light offers a unique perspective for studying the organization and functionality of biological molecules like DNA and enzymes, organic molecules like drugs, and inorganic materials.

It is possible to design artificial materials with new properties for various applications: nanotechnology, renewable energy, environment, health, archaeology, and cultural heritage, providing solutions to problems in fields such as electronics, environmental sciences, pharmacology, and diagnostics.

Starting in July 2025, a major upgrade project for the Elettra storage ring is planned, which will significantly enhance its performance, bringing its brilliance and coherence closer to the theoretical limit. The project includes the construction of at least 5 new beamlines, bringing the total to 32. This upgrade, one of the first in Europe, will make the new machine available to users by the end of 2026.

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is partner in a wide range of scientific and technological International, National and Regional’s projects and collaborations.
The projects involve advanced research, both basic and applied, in fields ranging from physics, materials science and chemistry to medicine, biology and cultural heritage.

Projects more specifically devoted to the development of synchrotron and FEL facilities involve the design of lightsources, optical equipment, spectrometers and detectors, as well as the construction of new beamlines and upgrading of the instrumentation.

Technology transfer focuses on leveraging know-how through various activities: collaboration with companies interested in using the investigative techniques available in the laboratories for their innovation projects, the design and sale of instruments for other light sources, and the creation of spin-offs and licensing of patented technologies.

Project Funding (2021-2023)
8.190.348,04 € 

N° Projects by type (2021-2023): 

Research results (2023): 

Scientific articles
Books (contributions)

Infrastructures and technologies
  • Experimental Techniques: Elettra offers a wide range of techniques spanning from terahertz to X-rays, including spectroscopy, spectromicroscopy, and diffraction. These methodologies are essential for advanced studies in materials science and life sciences.
  • Other Laboratory Resources: In addition to light sources, the laboratory is equipped with instruments for microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, inelastic scattering in the ultraviolet, and structural biology. These resources support a wide variety of scientific and technological research.
  • Development of Elettra 2.0: The development of Elettra 2.0, a new source promising a significant increase in the brightness and coherence of the produced light, is underway. This technological advancement aims to enhance the performance and effectiveness of scientific investigations, as well as introduce new beamlines for users.
  • FERMI: The FERMI free-electron laser covers a spectral range from VUV to X-rays and can emit ultrashort pulses from 10 to 100 femtoseconds. Its high energy stability and low temporal jitter make it particularly useful for studying transient states of matter. FERMI is equipped with seven experimental stations offering unique capabilities, such as variable polarization and various temporal correlation modes, expanding research possibilities into new scientific fields.
International collaborations

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste actively collaborates in the development of programs of crucial importance initiated at European level, such as ESFRI initiatives, ESS, ELI, and NFFA

Its influence also extends beyond continental borders through partnerships in the strategic OPEN SESAME project, promoted under H2020

The center is affiliated with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and is part of the primary science and technology network of the Central European Initiative (CEI).

Additionally, Elettra hosts the National Laboratory TASC (IOM-CNR) at its headquarters, specializing in microfabrication and nanoscience. It has established long-term professional relationships with significant Italian and foreign institutions, including various institutes of the National Research Council (CNR), the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore. Collaborations also include the UNESCO International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS/SISSA), and the universities of Graz, Milan, Nova Gorica, Trento, Trieste, and Udine.

As of 2023, there are nearly 80 partner institutes and universities, many actively contributing to the development and operation of light beams and support laboratories.

Opportunities for students and researchers
  • External Fellows Program: Elettra Synchrotron Trieste hosts external fellows from universities and other national and international scientific institutions, focusing on topics related to their scientific activities.
  • Collaborations for Advanced Training: Collaborations are active with national and international organizations for organizing advanced training schools such as Hercules and the Synchrotron Light School (SILS).
  • Fonda-Fasella Award: Awarded annually to young researchers who have achieved significant results at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste.
Facilities for foreign students and researchers
  • Student and Graduate Program: We regularly host high school students and graduates from institutions worldwide for technical-scientific training activities and, occasionally, administrative tasks.
  • Academic Collaborations: We have close ties with regional, national, and international universities, with many researchers actively involved in teaching programs.
  • PhD Training: Many PhD students undertake part of their training at Elettra laboratories, actively participating in scientific activities.
  • Support for Foreigners: As part of the Area Science Park, external scholars can benefit from the services of the Welcome Office Friuli Venezia Giulia and Human Resources support for practical matters such as immigration and stay in Italy.

Prof. Alfonso Franciosi
President and Chief Executive Officer

Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. di interesse nazionale
Strada Statale 14 – km 163,5 in AREA Science Park – 34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy