Creation of a “Scientific network of excellence” in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region among universities, public research bodies and international research bodies to reinforce the capacity for action, attractiveness and competitiveness at a national and international level of the institutions
Support for the development of international agreements, cooperation agreements and projects in the sectors of research and innovation, which involve the institutions belonging to the scientific network of excellence, first of all inside the strategy areas of the European Union for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) and of the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic - Ionian Region (EUSAIR)
The Regional Administration participated in two EU macroregional strategies, for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and Alpine region (EUSALP), respectively. In the context of activities for implementation of these macroregional approaches, the intention is to maintain a link between the Regional Administration, in accordance with national and European governance of the strategies in question, with the regional Scientific and Innovation System, in order to facilitate and support involvement of SiS organisations, as applicable, in the multi-year plan of activities of the relevant thematic Action Groups for strategies and in preparation and implementation of specific projects for the macroregion, referred to as flagship projects, which have an impact on scientific collaboration, creation of innovation networks and higher education.
The four strategic pillars underlying the EUSAIR strategy, which involves ten countries (four EU and six non-EU), are focused thematically on 1. “Sustainable blue growth”, 2. “Transport and energy infrastructure”, 3. “Environmental quality”, and 4. “Sustainable tourism”. Research and innovation and training are considered cross-cutting priorities that intersect with every Thematic Pillar. In the case of the EUSALP strategy that involves seven countries (five EU and two non-EU) and 48 Regions, there are nine Priority Actions making up the Shared Action Plan, and specifically, the Transnational Action Group AG1 “Development of a research and innovation ecosystem” has defined the following multi-year operational objectives:
• Preparation of an SRIA research agenda for the Alpine Region by 2022
• Strengthening of networking between research actors of the Alpine Region, including establishment of a Network/Cooperation between the EUSALP universities for the green transition (which UniTS and UniPD have expressed interest in joining).
• Synchronisation of supranational tender procedures of the Alpine Region for alignment/coordination of measures to support research and innovation.
Taking into account this structure of EUSAIR and EUSALP and the expertise and areas of specialisation of each organisation in the System, the intention is to support all forms of enhanced collaboration with equivalent organisations in the sector of research and innovation for the two macroregions.
In light of the flagship projects identified by EUSAIR and the multi-year workplan of the EUSALP thematic Action Groups, also in synergy with the partnerships launched at the Italian national strategic level with the Regional Authorities and scientific and innovation parties involved from other relevant Italian and European regions, there will be particular focus on:
• Creation of and/or participation in initiatives and events with a macroregional scope that involve SiS organisations in response to the action plans of the two EUSAIR and EUSALP strategies
• participation in establishment of the EUSALP network under construction of the Universities of the Alpine Region for the green transition and of supranational innovation ecosystems with a macroregional scope on the basis of the areas of smart specialisation identified as of common interest by the Regional Authorities/EUSALP countries.
FVG region and SiS FVG institutions
On the basis that the macroregional strategies do not have specific funds allocated to them, the individual initiatives and flagship projects with macroregional scope that are identified are implemented by building variable partnerships according to the needs of the areas involved and activation of specific financing instruments on a case-by-case basis
Increase of internationalisation capabilities of SiS FVG with particular regard to participation in events and initiatives promoted in the context of EUSAIR and EUSALP activity
Number of participants of SiS FVG in European and national events organised in the context of implementation of EUSAIR and EUSALP
Number of initiatives and projects organised and participated in by SiS Organisations connected to the action plan of the transnational thematic Action Groups of EUSAIR and EUSALP
As for EUSALP strategy:
Action «Alpine Region University network/alliance for green transition» promoted by AG1 Working group – R&I Ecosystem
1. FVG Region, University of Trieste, Udine and SISSA participated at the first meeting on 19th January 2022 (26 Universities by 6 countries)
2. University of Trieste and Udine contributed to AG1 Leader – UNIMONT questionnaire
3. University of Trieste and Udine participated at the second meeting on 15th June 2022 (17 Universities by 5 countries)
Digital Alps Conference 2022 (3-4 May 2022), annual event promoted by AG5 Working group – Connectivity and ICT accessibility
SISSA and Polo Alto Adriatico participated as workshop' speakers whereas Area Science Park participated to the final round table on future digital trends.
As for EUSAIR strategy:
2021 Annual Forum under slovenian presuidency (11-12 May 2021)
1. Area Science Park and OGS participated as speakers at the session Pillar1. Blue Growth
2. Friuli Innovazione participated at POPRI International – Youth Model Business Competition