Creation of a “Scientific network of excellence” in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region among universities, public research bodies and international research bodies to reinforce the capacity for action, attractiveness and competitiveness at a national and international level of the institutions
Support for the development of international agreements, cooperation agreements and projects in the sector of research and innovation, which involve the institutions belonging to the scientific network of excellence, first of all inside the strategy areas of the European Union for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) and of the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic – Ionian Region (EUSAIR);
Promotion of SiS FVG through qualified resources provided by MAECI to carry out promotion and support activities for the internationalisation of the Italian research system.
With respect to activity strands 1.3 and 1.6, the InCE-CEI Secretariat, in agreement with the interested parties, will carry out activities aimed at the internationalisation of SiS FVG, such as:
• Collaboration with the University of Trieste - Department of Political and Social Sciences (DISPES) for completion of activity regarding “Models and learning pathways on science diplomacy: opportunities for internationalisation of SiS FVG in relation to countries in the CEI area” and contribution to the planning of short learning pathways on science diplomacy at the graduate level
- Collaboration with the University of Trieste on the topic of healthcare cooperation, with particular focus on activity to support the healthcare systems of selected Western Balkan states for the treatment of haematological illnesses
- Collaboration with the UNESCO Chair on Intersectoral Safety for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience established at the University of Udine: the “Resilienhance” project aimed at defining strategies and tools to strengthen territorial resilience to extreme events and critical situations, supporting achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Collaboration with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) to promote mobility for researchers/scientists from non-EU CEI Member States (incoming to TRIL network laboratories)
- Collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) - European and International Relations Unit for research and monitoring activity for the “Western Balkans Research Foundation”
Readiness to collaborate with SiS FVG organisations on initiatives of common interest regarding/with CEI Member States, including EU projects (first and foremost in the context of European Territorial Cooperation - ETC and Horizon Europe 2021–2027)
InCE-CEI Secretariat and interested SiS FVG members
36 months
3 years
€80.000 (InCE-CEI financing)
- Support for internationalisation of SiS FVG through support from the CEI in multilateral forums, involvement of SiS FVG in international activity carried out/participated in by the CEI and involvement of CEI Member States in SiS FVG activity
- Preparation of a concept for a specific science-diplomacy learning pathway
- Drafting of a report on healthcare cooperation with the Western Balkans
- Definition of the guidelines and recommendations on territorial resilience.
- Drafting of a report on the Western Balkans Research Foundation
Number of participants of SiS FVG in international events led by the CEI and participants from CEI Member States in activity of SiS FVG Members (ref. RA1)
Concept, report and guidelines prepared (ref. RA2, RA3, RA4 and RA5)
Realization of the research activity «Models and educational paths on scientific diplomacy» in collaboration with University of Trieste. Follow up under evaluation.
Realization of the manual «Science Diplomacy: Foundations and Practice», in collaboration with University of Trieste and with the contribution of TWAS and OGS.
Organization of the «study visit» in FVG region of medical staff from Western Balkans countries, in collaboration with University of Trieste.
Realization of the «Resilienhance» project in collaboration with UNESCO Chair (Intersectoral Safety for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience) at University of Udine.
Partecipation to the pilot program «Researchers’ Mobility for Sustainable Development» call in collaboration with ICTP.
Realization of the research activity «Genesis and development of the Western Balkans Research Foundation. An analysis performed in the strategic development framework of the scientific cooperation with the Western Balkans according to the Berlin Process», in collaboration with CNR.
Partecipation to the UE Interreg Europe ACSELL project in collaboration with Area Science Park.