
Rationalisation of the regional structures that operate in the promotion of research, technology transfer and the development of innovation


Definition and implementation, in collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region and the MUR, of an organisational model of Innovation Enablers


The Operational Plan of the ARGO project for the period 2021–2023, formulated and approved by the Area Science Park Board of Directors, with resolution no. 34 of 31 May 2021, and approved by the Strategic Committee of the “ARGO SYSTEM Overall Project” Memorandum of Understanding on 28 October 2021 sets out the development of a system divided into four assets (IP4FVG, Technological platforms, Lab4Tech and Sustainable Circular-Economy Models and Facilities), for which a brief description and indication of the main strands are provided below. 

IP4FVG – Industry Platform for Friuli Venezia Giulia has the strategic objective of promoting digital transformation of businesses, innovation of the regional manufacturing system and promotion of interaction between the research and industrial spheres, through harmonisation and integration of existing resources and expertise, to be achieved through the following strands:

  • TEST BEFORE INVEST: Consolidation of Hub demonstration infrastructure (INVESTMENT), Increase in cases of usage of hubs, Launch of further IP4 Hubs at the national level, Support for digital transformation in businesses and the public administration (SERVICES)
  • ACCESS TO FINANCE: Monitoring of financing opportunities, Support for the generation of business in the field of digital transformation
  • SKILLS AND TRAINING: Higher education, Informative events on hub labs, Training courses on enabling technologies
  • INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM & NETWORKING: Launch of structured collaborations at the national and international level, Communication

The Technological Platforms asset contributes to the systemic impacts of the ARGO System by providing different types of academic and industrial users with optimal scientific and technological conditions to establish innovation projects, experimental activity and services of excellence, through access to research laboratories characterised by centres of high-level scientific expertise and availability of instrumentation and equipment of significant dimensions and which is not easily replicated. 

Area Science Park manages the Genomics and Epigenomics Platform (established by a facility dedicated to analysis of DNA and RNA sequences and genotyping, and a datacentre capable of providing advanced computing services and data analysis associated with genomics and other fields), while for the other platforms (Innovative Materials and Structural Biology) have a role of aggregation and dialogue between ARGO partners that have made their scientific instrumentation available to the System.

Lab 4 Tech has the goal of promoting and supporting a process of economic growth in the local area, contributing to development of business through generation of highly innovative enterprises, through:

  • Integrated management and coordination of the FVG ecosystem supporting innovative start-ups
  • Programmes with vertical development in ARGO System sectors: ICT and digital transformation, Life sciences (technological platforms), Cultural and creative industries, Circular economy
  • Corporate Programmes and Open Innovation to incentivise and promote connections between medium and large enterprises and start-ups
  • Internationalisation programmes to support scale-up of FVG start-ups, also through partnership with important initiatives and public and private organisations and the promotion of various parties operating to support scale-up of businesses.

Development of the “green” Asset in Sustainable Circular Economy Models and Facilities begins with the need to consolidate FVG’s model for activity (Industrial symbiosis, one stop shop, smart construction, energy supply chains) developing tangible initiatives (short-chain industrial and circular-economy pilot initiatives) for optimisation on a multi-regional scale, with particular focus on the following strands:

  • Circular industrial initiatives in the field of port logistics (Enhancement of circular and sustainable production and logistics investments, development of tools to support decisions for the planning and management of infrastructure, development of applied research projects for the creation of chains for the recovery of materials and energy)
  • Strategic project for close industrial symbiosis for the inner port area in Trieste - SISSI tool, Regional Platform for Industrial Symbiosis
  • Development of industrial projects aimed at decarbonisation

 Area Science Park.

Starting date: 


Expected duration: 

The ARGO System Institutional Memorandum of Understanding was renewed in June 2021, up to 31 December 2023.


Development of ARGO System is co-financed by the FVG Region for total three-year funding of € 3,000,000 divided up as follows:

Industry Platform 4 FVG asset € 1,500,000.00

Scientific and Technological Platform asset € 750,000

Lab for Tech asset (High Impact Net): € 750,000

Expected result: 

Complete experimentation of the system in Friuli Venezia Giulia, strengthening its structure and impacts, starting from the strengths and issues identified in the 2018–2020 phase, evaluating the replicability of assets and the possibility of their extension to other Italian regions with a hub & spoke model 

Make the ARGO System a model supporting regional planning for development initiatives, in sectors connected to research, technological transfer and industrial innovation, at a national and macroregional level 

Further harmonise the system with EU and national directives linked to the Green Deal. 

Result indicators: 

Industry Platform 4 FVG asset

  • Number of experimental digitalisation projects supported through ARGO financing calls
  • Number of services supporting digitalisation of companies issued
  • Number of companies and public administration entities involved in demonstration activity

Scientific and Technological Platform asset

  • Number of collaboration/partnership agreements aimed at increasing the technical and scientific offer of the Platforms
  • Number of thematic/sector catalogues focused on technology and know-how of the platforms
  • Number of grants/research funding packages for machine learning/deep learning or data management topics

Labs for Tech (High Impact Net) - Development of innovative businesses

  • Number of agreements with regional partners for the creation of coordinated programmes supporting business generation
  •  Number of start-ups selected and trained to guide in participation in international acceleration programmes and scale-up

 Circular-economy models and facilities asset

  • Creation of a system of services for the development of “eco-sustainable investments” (One Stop Shop)
  • Implementation of a georeferenced Territorial Data Infrastructure (IDT) tool to support decisions (SISSI)
  • Design of a pilot system for the digital management of infrastructure (BIM)

Number of feasibility studies and preparatory activity for the presentation and launch of projects of strategic interest supported by the Argo System

Indicators of realization: 

Industry Platform 4 FVG asset
31 funded experimental digitalisation projects:

  • 1° Call: 15 ongoing funded projects
  • 2° Call: 16 approved projects

Scientific and Technological Platform asset
n. 2 catalogues, in Italian and English, in collaboration with Elettra, CNR-IOM, CNR-IC:

  •  “Innovative materials platform” catalogue
  •  “Life Sciences platform” catalogue

Extension of the innovative materials platform  with an esperimental “in operando spectroscopy” station for gas/solid interface studies to be applied on energy production or storage.
Improvement of  Data Center ORFEO performances (storage and connectivity capacities) by HW purchase.
Labs for Tech (High Impact Net) - Development of innovative businesses
43 startups supported:

  • 41 at  Las Vegas CES (Consumer Electronic Show)
  • 2 at Prospera Woman 

Circular-economy models and facilities asset
Implementation of a georeferenced Territorial Data Infrastructure (IDT) tool to support decisions (SISSI)